Sunday, March 30, 2014

Old to new, yarn addiction, new hooks, and coming soon.

Yesterday, we had to stop at the craft store to get some fabric so I could cover our old throw pillows. Two years ago, we got a used couch free. The seams were all tore up and the pillows were tore up as well. I threw a blanket over it and called it good. About 3 weeks ago, we sold it on a yardsale site for a few bucks, but I kept the pillows! I had a vision for the pillows to go with our new sectional. Yesterday, we stopped and purchased the fabric and when we go home, I fixed them up!

They look pretty good if I do say so myself!


I might have a slight addiction to yarn. Might. I'm not really admitting to anything! But, I probably have enough yarn to cover any project I choose for like the next 20 years, or so :/ That's normal, right? I mean, don't all crafters have an excess of supplies for their craft?
Do you know how hard it is, how much restraint it takes to throw me into a craft store and NOT buy any yarn... a lot, it takes a lot.

Anyhow, when we stopped at the craft store, I felt the need for some new yarn. I walked through the yarn section... seeing all those gorgeous colors... feeling all those amazing skeins of yumminess...
I seriously had a hard time not buying any, but I was successful as I walked out without buying any yarn!
Want to see what I did buy tough ;) 2 new hooks, some stitch holders, and some bobbins!

See those two new hooks? Those are afghan hooks. I'm in the process of attempting some afghan hooking, lol, but first I have to teach myself some of the stitches.

Along with my Rainbow Wave lapghan, and my super secret project, I'm trying to pick this up too. So that's my "what am I working on" picture for today! This is literally my first attempt at this!

And again, I have nothing yet to teach you, but I will, soon! I think I'll share some other crafty type things I've been working on as well!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Birthdays, bags, blankets, and getting back in the groove.

I'm back, I think. I have to admit that it took me a good long while to log into this account. I'm not talking minutes, or hours, I'm talking days! I couldn't remember my password, and truth be told, I couldn't remember my username! I also had no idea what email address I used to get them emailed to me! I finally figured it out and have been "posting" in my head the past few days so I figured it's time to jump back on the computer.

Today, March 26, 2014 is, or rather would have been, Landon's 4th birthday. My sweet baby boy would have been 4 today. Happy birthday lil guy...

Crochet... I stopped crocheting. I stopped doing everything really, for a bit of time. I started crocheting again about 3 weeks ago, and I'm hooked... *giggle* When I finally logged back on here, I found that I have 2 drafted posts, one titled 'Thanksgiving, blankies and doll clothes, and finding the beginning' dated 11/24/10 and one titled simply 'ugh' dated 12/3/10. The first is actually written I just need the rest of the pictures and I could post it, if I wanted to. The second is a one liner and from what I remember of December 2010, it's par for the course. I'll spare you the details and simply say that I'm in a much better place today, thank God.

I do have a couple of new works in progress, I'll show you in just a bit! First, I need to say that as much as I adored making blankies for Molly Bears, I made and delivered approximately 50 or so, sadly, I no longer do this. Now, I'd like to introduce my new "segment" that I'm going to call "hot off my hook" :) kinda has a funky ring to it I think, I like it, I like it a lot ;)

Hot off my hook... a cutesy Spring-ish bag!

I chose the bright cheery colors based on what I had in the small stash of yarn I brought over to the new house from the old house. I decided on a drawstring type top and one back pack like handle. I started to do poms on the drawstrings but decided at the last minute to fashion a cute little flower instead, and I'm quite happy with the results!

My handsome lil model appears happy with the results as well - isn't he just precious ;)

So, being that I stopped crocheting, my "what I'm working on" is literally the same as it was when I left. The only problem is that those works in progress are packed away right now. A crocheters nightmare... I finally decide to start crocheting again and I realize everything, all my works in progress, all my yarn, all my hooks - they're all packed away in the shed **insert creepy music here** and the shed door is frozen shut aaaahhhhhhh! Luckily though, I remembered that I tucked away a couple of small totes of yarn and a hook (or 5) in lil man's closet... whew, crisis averted!

After 3+ years off, what am I working on now...

My bff informed me a few months back that she is moving to Wyoming. Yuck. I mean, it's sooooo far away. When I was crocheting all the time, she purchased some yarn and asked me to make her an afghan, I agreed, but then... Luckily her yarn was some of the yarn I tucked away in lil man's closet. Since she is leaving in May, I really need to get it finished for her, and that is what I'm working on now.

It's a quick working afghan if you follow the written instructions, but *hmph* I don't like following the rules! So not only am I more than doubling the size, I've got it all changed up! Here is a glimpse of her afghan...

I know it kind of looks a hot mess, but it's actually a super cute stitch and will make a great afghan! I can't wait until this piece of work is homh... yeah, that's right, I said homh - hot off my hook *wink*.

I also decided to learn a new stitch that I saw, I'm still working on tweaking it to get "the look" that I like, cuz we all know, I'm a crochet snob! But here is my tester piece that I'm playing with...

That's what I'm working on! Oh yeah, I'm also working on what I'm calling my "Rainbow Wave" lapghan. I'm not going to show any preview pics of this, you'll have to wait for its homh moment! OOOHHHH oh oh oh oh AND I'm working on what will likely be my most proud piece! I've been working on the pattern for some time, you'll likely have to wait for its homh moment as well, but I will say that it's going to be ah-mazing!

What, you didn't think I'd start crocheting again and not have numerous projects going did you?

As I'm just getting back in the groove, I don't have anything to show/teach right now. But I'm working on it. Maybe next time, maybe!

Until next time, happy hooking...