Thursday, November 4, 2010

I taught myself how to crochet...

I went to Walmart and bought the book "I taught myself how to crochet" and that's just what I did, but I quickly lost interest and the stash of yarn I had was placed in totes and the book disappeared into oblivion. I had several swatches of uneven rows of horribly crocheted yarn that I eventually tossed out.

Seven months ago, I experienced the most devestating loss any parent can never imagine... I buried my son.

Grief is such an indescribable thing, everyone handles grief differently, and at first, I let mine sink me into a pretty deep depression. I woke up one morning a couple months after Landon had died, and I decided that would be the last day I missed my baby, I wish I could say I had finally accepted that he is gone and that I had decided to move on, but that is not the case... I had decided that it was time for me to join my baby. Thankfully, I had a moment of clarity and I called my husband and told him that I needed him. He ran straight to my side and helped me through the next few days.

Then I decided I needed something to consume my time, I needed a hobby to throw myself into, but what? I like so many things, yet I had absolutely no interest in doing anything. I remembered that I had that book and I had tons of yarn, so I hauled out the crochet and dived in...

I was HORRIBLE at first - I couldn't make my ends straight - I couldn't make my stitches the same size... I was awful, and I had absolutely no one to guide me, all I had was my book. I googled and I googled, but I really had a hard time finding a great tutorial for true beginners.

I practiced until I was comfortable, then I learned a new stitch, then another, then I found a granny square pattern and I HAD to make one of those. So, I figured out how to do the stitches, I figured out how to follow a pattern, and now I can make beautiful things!

I am much better at crocheting now, and I'm fairly quick if I do say so myself ;)

I can do any stitch you want to throw at me, and if I don't know it, I promise I can figure it out. I can follow any pattern written in english :) and if there's a mistake in the pattern - I'll be able to tell you that too, as well as fix the mistake for myself. I can make things without patterns, and I've made up several of my own patterns as well. And with all that knowledge, I am going to help you! You can crochet too, and I will be there to help.

When life pulls you apart at the strings... I crochet.

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